
Cancelling A Life Insurance Policy

Posted by on Jun 28, 2016

Cancelling A Life Insurance Policy

Estimated reading time is 60 seconds. Have you thought about cancelling your insurance policy to have some extra money available to pay bills? People cancel policies all the time without realizing they are putting their family in financial risk. Yet when we look at our TV bill, we have all the movie networks, the sports channels, and of course, the family channel for the kids. When thinking about the cost of cable packages today,...

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Why Do I Need Life Insurance

Posted by on Aug 8, 2014

Why Do I Need Life Insurance

If you have dependents and are uninsured, they may experience substantial, perhaps catastrophic, financial difficulties upon your passing. This is particularly true if you have a mortgage or other substantial debt. If you are insured, they’ll be protected against financial disaster…and you’ll sleep better at night. There are two main categories of life insurance: Term life insurance Term life insurance is, as the name suggests, temporary. You may wish to be insured until retirement,...

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